Thought and Leaders

Gary Andrews - finding Joy.

Jonathan Gabay Season 4 Episode 8

 The death of a close family member is soul-destroying.  

To cope, some turn inside themselves, others turn to supportive friends and wider family members. 

 Renown animator and Director, Gary Andrews reached for his pencil and started to draw.

 His wife, Joy died unexpectedly from sepsis.  

Recording a daily doodle helped Gary navigate grief, widowhood and being suddenly cast into the role of solo parent. 

 His doodles posted on social media resonated far and wide.  They were eventually brought together into ‘Finding Joy’, a poignant book published by John Murray.  It tells the story of daily life for Gary and his children since Joy died.

Gary takes Jonathan Gabay of Thought and Leaders podcast through a roller coaster journey of frantic highs and yawning lows, as revealed through his doodles.   

 This touching interview will resonate with so many whose life journey can at one stage be contentedly predictable, peppered with wonderful moments, and then suddenly, crashing.

 Thought and Leaders global podcast features true stories of exceptional leaders from all walks of life.  It is available on all major podcast platforms.

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(Listening time:  35 minutes).